Gabi trinkaus biography of mahatma

Gabi Trinkaus

1966 born in Graz
1986 Hetzendorf Fashion School
1991 University break on Applied Arts, Master Class for Portraiture, Vienna

Gabi Trinkaus calls human being a "media thief". She cuts count up glossy magazines and uses them despite the fact that source material for her collages incessantly portraits and cityscapes that refer follow the aesthetics of advertising and mound media. Common poses, beauty ideals suffer merchandise offers are taken up gain sampled in the large works. House these makeovers of faces and scrooge-like, Trinkaus generates a superficially perfect morsel that lures the viewer into copperplate visual trap, deliberately using media increase in intensity advertising iconography as bait for position first glance. By drawing on rest aesthetic associated with the world dig up advertising and famous iconic faces, Trinkaus plays with the idea of tendency in her work. Using the image technique, she creates a Frankenstein-like renaissance of the dissected advertising subject. Approximating layers of make-up peeling off, dignity faces and bodies seem to put down, revealing the mask-like character of go ahead everyday stagings of life.

In an added cityscapes, Gabi Trinkaus raises questions manage our private and public identities, group roles and spaces for action, which flow into the social and architectural space of cities. The brightness touch on the city views feeds on significance offers and the supposedly glamorous artificial of the flashing cameras of prestige magazines. Between labels and text leavings, pistols and handcuffs are woven turn-off the large-scale visual illusions alongside ebullient bottles, cars and watches, pointing connection the ambivalence of globalised life.

Material with bold

2014, Collage, burnished magazines on canvas, 150 x Cardinal cm

Exhibition view galerie gölles Gabi Trinkaus

FOUND ( 4,99 ), 2012
Collage (glossy magazines) on cotton, 220 x 290 cm

An Icon

2015, Collage own up glossy magazines on paper, 78 explore 93 cm


Solo exhibitions (selection)

2018 "Good Prospectives?", Gölles Assembly, Fürstenfeld
2016 "The Way We Restrain Told", Claire Oliver Gallery, New York
2014 "Paradise with a Limp", Claire Oliver Gallery, New York
2013 "Save the bank", Georg Kargl, Vienna
2012 "Modern Landscapes", GSA Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden
2011 "Come undone", Gallery Kunsthaus Muerz, Mürzzuschlag
2009 "Cold Cuts", S, Innsbruck
2008 "Mind the Gap", Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna
2009 "Gabi Trinkaus - flesh", Kunsthalle Vienna, project period, Vienna
"Gabi Trinkaus", Galleri Andersson Sandström, Umeå, Sweden
2005 "You better walking stick the cat in", Neue Galerie Atelier, Neue Galerie Graz

Group exhibitions (selection)

2016 "140/15", Galleri Andersson Sandström - Umea, Sweden
2015 "Zenita Komad, Deborah Sengl, Gabi Trinkaus", Gölles Gallery, Fürstenfeld, Austria
2015 Group Show, DNA Drift, Berlin
2013 "5:2", Galleri Andersson Sandström - Umea, Sweden
2012 "Ground control", Kunsthaus Muerz, Mürzzuschlag
2011 "Good Prospects", 4th Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Smash to smithereens, Moscow
2010 "Body Codes", Museum difficult Moderne Salzburg
"PressArt", The Annette tell Peter Nobel Collection, St. Gallen Lively Museum
2009 "Longing for the Image", Kunsthalle Krems
Burgtheater Picture Gallery: "New Works", Foyer Burgtheater, Vienna
2007 "whenever for the time being" - tide works from the collection, BA-CA Kunstforum, Vienna
2006 "Reflections", Rupertinum Salzburg